Detector models
Models describe the coupling of the impacting particle and the subsequent energy dissipation. The propagation of a thermal hot spot as well as the formation of vortices are being discussed:
- Gousev, Y.P., et al., Electron-phonon interaction in disordered NbN films, Physica B, 194, 1355 (1994).
- Semenov, A.D., et al., Quantum detection by current carrying superconducting film, Physica C, 351, 349 (2001).
- Suzuki, K., et al., Hot-Spot Detection Model in Superconducting Nano-Stripline Detector for keV Ions, App. Pyhs. Expr., 4, (2011).
- Vodolazov, D.Y., et al., Vortex-assisted mechanism of photon counting in a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector revealed by external magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 92, 9 (2015).
- Engel, A., et al., Detection mechanism of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, Supercon. Sci. Technol., 28, (2015).
- Vodolazov, D.Y., Single-Photon Detection by a Dirty Current-Carrying Superconducting Strip Based on the Kinetic-Equation Approach, Phys. Rev. Appl., 7, (2017).